A few weeks prior, Lady Gaga (Guhguh as Larry King calls her...I say, Googoo) appeared on the hit show American Idol for 'live' performance in front of the studio audience. Well, apparently, Ms. GaGa felt the footage was too 'Edited' using the terms "Fox Poorly + Amateurly (Not an actual word) edited + cut her performance..."
First, EVERYTHING on television is edited. The reasons for such are rather obvious: The Clock.
Second, I am wondering if Ms. Gg actually viewed the performance as a number have commented that the performance was A) Too long and B) Too boring. Really, Ms. Gg should be pleased that the performance was cut short and edited well within the time constraints - the point of her performance was illustrated and the promotion/commotion should generate plenty 'o ticket sales for the real, LIVE concert. (Photo/ AP)