The Annual American Idol Gives Back Show Aired Last Week, Hoping to Raise $45 Million for Charity...
My immediate question was, "Which Charity"? While I appreciate the premise of the program - a televised telethon and Jerry Lewis has been presenting a star filled show for the Muscular Dystrophy Association with tremendous success for years. Why shouldn't a popular television program do the same?
Ah, but this is where the story begins to defy reasonability - Despite the ambiguous and unmentioned specifics during the show (Mosquito Nets will stop the spread of Malaria - Well, how about a vaccine?!), the program felt largely contrite and slightly disingenuous instead of warm and fuzzy.
The performances, pace, arrangements and special celebrity and guest appearances were indeed impressive. However after an extended viewing, the show began to feel more like a brow beating late-night infomercial. The spin: Corporate sponsors and special interests thinly veiled to appear acting in the interest of charity (Phone company says, "Text your donation to...").
Despite the "Cheese factor", the $45 million is expected to rise when proceeds from iTunes sales are added, according to Fox. (Photo/Fox Television Broadcasting)