Ted Williams (More commonly known as 'Golden Voice') recently careened into the national spotlight, after being discovered while pan-handling near a Columbus, Ohio freeway by a videographer from the local newspaper (Who somewhat inadvertently broke the story).
According to reports, the videographer had been driving to work and noticed then homeless, Williams standing road side holding a sign, "I have a GOD given gift of voice, I'm an ex-radio announcer who has fallen on hard times. Please any help will be gratefully appreciated..."
Real Life Rags to Riches?
One could not help but feel inspired from such a fantastic story (As my good friend always laments, "Real Life Really Is Stranger Than Fiction"). Producers everywhere are clamoring for an interview, and more than likely someone has already purchased the rights to his story for a full-length feature film (Similar to The Pursuit of 'Happyness').

Moreover, Ted has received numerous offers from various corporate interests and media. Let's take inventory of the known/confirmed employment offers (Aside from the numerous monetary gestures of a generous few):
- An offer of a full-time announcing job with Cleveland Cavaliers
- Voice Over gig with Kraft Macaroni & Cheese
- A gig with cable channel MSNBC's Lean Forward campaign (Thank you, TV Squad!)
- New house (Mortgage paid by a loan company)
- Numerous Websites dedicated to Williams
- Numerous television appearances (CBS, NBC)
All of the recent media attention has brought into question a number of considerations of concern.
First, are said companies merely jumping on the 'Ted Williams Story' bandwagon simply for good PR, and would said companies even give the light of day to an average person (Meaning, those without a platform) who may have had similar run-ins with the law? Not certain there would have been the same gesture for the person on the street that is in desperate attempt to turn his/her life around.
Many Other 'Ted Williams Stories' Are Out There...
Personally, I have been involved with a number of causes and have been actively involved with my own brand of vigilant efforts to impact homelessness. Hearing this story was immediate reason to bring the issue of homeless back into the national spotlight and I would strongly recommend that Ted take up the cause (Once settled). As a former member of the community, he would have far greater impact than someone in the media (Yours Truly).
What's Your Talent?
More important, it returns the question of just how many other similar stories are out there? Every person homeless or not, certainly has a skill/talent or as Ted writes, "A GOD given gift of_______", it's just a matter of finding the right vehicle to exploit a possible opportunity, or in this case, a second chance.
I live in a town filled to the virtual brim with talent (And, often not) and each and every day, droves of the inspired aspire to being discovered for something that will translate into their, "Big Break".
The strange and unusual thing is that ANYONE can become famous - someone just needs to tell these people...
Best Wishes, Ted and we will see you at the top!