Sony's insta-remake of 1984's "The Karate Kid" debuted at No. 1 for the weekend garnering a take of $56 million, according to studio estimates. The big-screen adaptation of the 1980s TV series "The A-Team" came in at less than half that, the 20th Century Fox release opening in second place with just over $25 million.
Little Jaden Smith and eyebrows are adorable. Long-term acting ability remains to be seen, but ol' dad Will always had a reliable smug and a smart a** one liner ready (No matter the movie) - let's see if there is a flow of similarity between father and son.
However, we had more of an A-Team feel going on this weekend. After all, the A-Team had action - Big Action - loud and elaborate set pieces, and Bradley Cooper without a shirt (Just what most guys want to see). (Photo/Associated Press)