Iron Man 2 has already cleared $100 million overseas.
The GOOD news, I have only viewed the trailer. Now the possible bad news, there appeared to be way too much going on with the story...If this is possible with a Comic Book movie...
Quite frankly, if there are more than one or two "Name Talent Above The Line", I get nervous - immediate images of an over-inflated budget due to too many plots, stunts, sub plots, story lines, and characters written into the movie for the benefit of having said name(s) in the picture, as an ensemble cast, is a great reason of moderate concern.
Let's take Talent roll call: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson, Mickey Rourke, Sam Jackson (My favorite), Don Cheadle (Who replaces creepy Terrance Howard), and Sam Rockwell (Another favorite).
Now, supplement with excessive gratuitous explosions, loud music, snarky dialog, over the top irreverence, advanced weaponry (My favorite subject), military presence, a bad guy (Preferably foreign with accent), a $100 million dollar production budget and you have yourself a summer initiating blockbuster. Simple.
Let's hope for the best...
The film is scheduled to debut in North America on Friday. A Nightmare on Elm Street grabbed the latest No. 1 domestic box office spot last weekend with $32.2 million (Congratulations, there will be a NOES Part 4).