According to Steve Cheskin (EVP of Programming for TLC), “Yes we are developing a new show with Kate,” he said.
The show is tentatively titled, “Twist of Kate”, and will reportedly feature Kate answering questions from readers who have been inspired by her story and her life as a single mom with 8 kids. Welcome to your niche market, Kate. Next, a Kate inspired line of products, books, and clothing for single moms (Oops, we say too much).
Ever since Kate dumped the short, pudgy bald guy, we've admired this woman. However, we're not sure the best format for this type of show (Documentary, Docu Soap, Talk) - and, we are the experts...At this point, we vote for 2-hour special, because really how many questions could there possibly be left to answer about Kate that we have not already heard, read, and seen on the TV, Radio, Web and Tabloids over the past year and a half??