
Hollywood Marriages...

"This might be saying too much, but marriage licenses should expire every four years...Just like a Driving license..."


About Winning...

"This might be saying too much, but anyone who uses the term "Winning" is probably not..."

Hey Media!!

"Dear Fellow Members of the Media: Repeat after me, "I will no longer waste precious time, resources and energy reporting on Joaquin Sheen"

RE: Charlie Sheen's replacement on 2 1/2 Men.

Possible Charlie Sheen Replacement P2

"Using before mentioned casting criteria (Hot & Funny): That would leave John Stamos and possibly Matt LeBlanc - there's your options Chuck!"

RE: Charlie Sheen's replacement on 2 1/2 Men.


Possible Charlie Sheen Replacement

"I'm thinking Gary Busey as Sheen's replacement would be HILARIOUS!! Ah, but probably not in a good way!"

RE: Charlie Sheen's replacement on 2 1/2 Men.